I am a postdoctoral researcher at Inria center of Université de Lorraine in Nancy since January 2024. I am part of the Gamble team of Loria working with Xavier Goaoc. During my postdoc, I am also hosted by Andreas Holmsen at Kaist university and IBS in Daejeon, South Korea.

I did my PhD at Université Gustave Eiffel, working under the supervision of Alfredo Hubard and Arnaud de Mesmay. I defended my thesis on November 27, 2023. In my PhD, I studied graphs embedded on surfaces and their decompositions. You can find my PhD thesis here.

You can contact me by sending an email to niloufar (dot) a (dot) fuladi (at) inria (dot) fr or niloufar (dot) fuladi (at) aol (dot) com.


  • Computing shortest closed curves on non-orientable surfaces,
    with Denys Bulavka and Éric Colin de Verdière.
    SoCG 2024, arXiv.

  • Degenerate crossing number and signed reversal distance,
    with Alfredo Hubard and Arnaud de Mesmay.
    GD 2023, arXiv.

  • Universal families of arcs and curves on surfaces,
    with Arnaud de Mesmay and Hugo Parlier.
    Accepted in Israel Journal of Mathematics, arXiv.

  • Short topological decompositions of non-orientable surfaces,
    with Alfredo Hubard and Arnaud de Mesmay.
    DCG, SoCG 2022, arXiv.


  • Spanning disks in triangulations of surfaces,
    with Katie Clinch, Sean Dewar, Maximilian Gorsky, Tony Huynh,
    Eleftherios Kastis, Anthony Nixon, Brigitte Servatius, arXiv.