I am a postdoctoral researcher at Inria center of Université de Lorraine in Nancy since January 2024. I am part of the Gamble team of Loria working with Xavier Goaoc. During my postdoc, I am also hosted by Andreas Holmsen at Kaist university and IBS in Daejeon, South Korea.
I did my PhD at Université Gustave Eiffel, working under the supervision of Alfredo Hubard and Arnaud de Mesmay. I defended my thesis on November 27, 2023. In my PhD, I studied graphs embedded on surfaces and their decompositions. You can find my PhD thesis here.
You can contact me by sending an email to niloufar (dot) a (dot) fuladi (at) inria (dot) fr or niloufar (dot) fuladi (at) aol (dot) com.
Computing shortest closed curves on non-orientable surfaces,
with Denys Bulavka and Éric Colin de Verdière.
SoCG 2024, arXiv. -
Degenerate crossing number and signed reversal distance,
with Alfredo Hubard and Arnaud de Mesmay.
GD 2023, arXiv. -
Universal families of arcs and curves on surfaces,
with Arnaud de Mesmay and Hugo Parlier.
Accepted in Israel Journal of Mathematics, arXiv. -
Short topological decompositions of non-orientable surfaces,
with Alfredo Hubard and Arnaud de Mesmay.
DCG, SoCG 2022, arXiv.
Spanning disks in triangulations of surfaces,
with Katie Clinch, Sean Dewar, Maximilian Gorsky, Tony Huynh,
Eleftherios Kastis, Anthony Nixon, Brigitte Servatius, arXiv.